Monday, December 30, 2019

Coffee Is The Worlds Second Largest Commodity - 1521 Words

With the increase in demand of coffee within coffee drinkers globally, coffee has successfully ensured its place to become the world’s second largest commodity. (cite) Coffea, commonly known as the coffee plant, is the member of the Rubiaceae family (USDA 2015). While there are various species of the coffee plant, Coffea Arabica and Coffea Canephora are mostly grown. However, between them Coffea Arabica is considered to have greater quality and flavor. Brazil is known as the top manufacturer of coffee followed by countries such as Vietnam, Indonesia, Colombia, and Ethiopia (USDA 2014). The rising demand for coffee has amplified the dependence of the coffee industry on countries that grows coffee. Using pesticides on coffee fields seemed to be an ultimate solution for farmers who were hoping for maximum productivity of coffee. Pesticides are used in agriculture in order to protect plants from fungal diseases, pests, and insects that affect the growth of food crops. On the short run, using pesticides has an advantage as it increases the production and the quality of coffee. However, pesticide practices have detrimental impact on the environment, the quality and the amount of coffee manufactured, and the health of the farmers in the long run. The agricultural practice that involves the usage of pesticides has contributed in the exploitation of the environment. The consumption of pesticides in countries producing coffee has increased rapidly over the decades. For example,Show MoreRelatedDrug Trafficking Has Caused The Coffee Industry Essay1235 Words   |  5 Pagescombination with rampant drug trafficking has caused the coffee industry in Colombia to struggle for many years, though Colombia’s long history with coffee predates that struggle. The coffee plant first reached Colombia sometime in the late 1700s (Encyclopedia of World Trade: From Ancient Times to the Present) and Colombia entered the coffee trade in the 1830s (Wikipedia, Coffee Production in Colombia). The geography of Colombia lends itself well to coffee production. Located in southern South America, ColombiaRead MoreCoffee And The Global Community1533 Words   |  7 Pagesthis is Coffee. Many 1st world nations indulge on this commodity yet very few n ations actually grow and import coffee. The word â€Å"coffee† comes from Kaffa, a region in Ethiopia where it is believed the coffee bean was discovered. Coffee is so important in the global marketplace that it is the second most valuable traded commodity in the world, only after crude oil. So if you think about the importance of coffee, one can understand why this commodity is second place to oil, as coffee outputsRead MoreNotes On Commodities And Consumption1728 Words   |  7 Pages Commodities and Consumption There are many commodities in our life that plays an important part in our daily consumption. Such commodities link us to the people around the world who produce these for us. The purpose of this assignment is to choose a produced outside of the US, and write an essay by conducting research using sources such as use information directly from the store or company, academic articles/books, the Internet and personal interviews. The essay will answer questions about the locationRead MoreCoffee – a Global Commodity1024 Words   |  5 PagesCoffee – a Global Commodity John Bellusci May 29, 2011 Abstract What is a commodity? A commodity is a basic good used in commerce that is interchangeable with other commodities of the same type. 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Coffee has become a major part of many people’s lives. It is a global commodity. Behind the oil industry, coffee places second on the world’s most traded commodities. Every day more than 2 billion cups of coffee are consumed (â€Å"The Economics of Coffee†). The World coffee market is con trolled by Kraft General Foods (produces Maxwell House), Proctor Gamble (produces Folgers), Sara Lee (Chock Full O’Nuts) , and Nestle (â€Å"The Economics of Coffee†). These majorRead MoreCoffee rust disease is the greatest threat to the coffee industry worldwide and has the potential1000 Words   |  4 PagesCoffee rust disease is the greatest threat to the coffee industry worldwide and has the potential to improve or hurt Brazil’s economy while having a significant impact on the United States. Coffee is second only to petroleum for exports in developing countries. Over 500 billion cups of coffee are consumed globally each year. The worldwide coffee supply comes primarily from Central and South America accounting for 67 percent of production (Goldschein, 2011). Coffee rust disease is a wind-borne fungusRead MoreGlobal Local And International Trading990 Words   |  4 Pagesglocalization. History of the two different coffee cultures Coffee, apart from being the world’s second most traded commodity, has long been considered a type of culture. Drinking coffee is not simply enjoying the flavor of the popular drink, but it also contains a lot of cultural meanings. What would globalization create from them, since each place has its own coffee culture? Founded in 1971 by Zev Siegl, Jerry Baldwin and Gordon Bowker, the Starbucks coffee company has gone through different stagesRead MoreOne Of The Reasons By Brazil’S Economy Is An Important1349 Words   |  6 Pages One of the reasons by Brazil’s economy is an important player in the world today is its size. They are the world’s fifth largest country by size and the ninth largest by nominal GDP. Other comparisons include the fact that they represent the largest economy in Latin America and second largest in the Americas. Because imports and exports are a significant component of Brazil’s GDP, at 27%, trade represents a key factor in Brazil’s economy (Brazil Economy: Facts, Population, GDP, Inflation, BusinessRead MoreCoffee Crisis1164 Words   |  5 PagesUnit 4 Assignment 1 â€Å"The Coffee Crisis† By Stephen Quinlan amp; Jose Gomez-Ibanez Case Analysis Michael G. Castro Capella University MBA6008 – Global Economic Environment Professor Hadsell February 13, 2013 Introduction Stephen Quinlan and Jose Gomez-Ibanez describes, in â€Å"The Coffee Crisis†, that in 2004 the governments of coffee producing countries were considering how to respond to rapid decline to coffee prices. In 2001, coffee prices hit a forty-year low, which resulted

Sunday, December 22, 2019

The Adaptation of William Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet...

The Adaptation of William Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet for a Cinema Audience There are many difference between showing a play in a theatre and showing it on film. The theatre is more of a writers medium and more emphasis is shown on language, you could say theatre acting is more dramatic. Film actors dont need to be quite so dramatic as the point the actor is trying to make can be conveyed in other ways on screen (such as through use of varied backgrounds). Also on stage the scenes need to be longer, this is to avoid changing the stage regularly. If a film had long scenes set in one place only, the audience would probably become quite restless and wonder what the point of such a long scene†¦show more content†¦Before Romeo and his friends go to the Capulet party, Romeo speaks of his love for Rosalyn and the pain that it causes him. He refers to Cupid a lot and how fate has left him without someone to love him back. This is quite ironic as we know he will soon meet Juliet. The first major event in the text has really got to be Mercutios Queen Mab spee ch. It is shown in both film and text that Romeo is about to tell his friends and Mercutio about a dream he had the previous night. At this, Mercutio interrupts and undermines Romeos seriousness with his own humour. He starts off telling his tale slowly... building it up bit by bit and as he continues to tell his story he exaggerates more and more. Although Romeo is enjoying Mercutios short performance, he is also worried about his friend as it seems that he is getting himself very worked up over nothing. In this film, the actor playing Mercutio, broke the speech down, possibly because it did not all seem necessary. Towards the end of his speech, Romeo is shown to touch Mercutios shoulder and he flinches violently. This was put into the play to show how self involved he was and to show the depth and intensity of his character. Without this dramatic speech from Mercutio, the audience would probably feel that he was a complete joker. Mercutio the name actually derives from mercurial w hich meansShow MoreRelatedRomeo And Juliet Film Analysis1647 Words   |  7 PagesDavies, Anthony. The film versions of Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare Survey 49(1996):153-162 Web. 22 May 2017. 1. In this Journal articles by Anthony Davies, he attempts to trace, compare, and analyze the play of Romeo Juliet’s life throughout cinema. To do this, Anthony does a close reading of four different films directed by Cukor, Zeffirelli, Alvin Rakoff, and the BBC. With these films, Anthony delves into them while dissecting specific scenes to compare how they are different or similarRead MorePost Modernism Of Baz Luhrmann s Film Adaptation Of William Shakespeare s Romeo And Juliet3440 Words   |  14 PagesPost-modernism in Baz Luhrmann’s film adaptation of William Shakespeare’s play Romeo and Juliet: a comparison of two creative works from two different periods. In 1996, Baz Luhrmann directed â€Å"Romeo + Juliet†, a modern twist on the famous tragedy play Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare in 1597, in which the main characters Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet where portrayed by Leonardo DiCaprio and Claire Danes. While some praise the strange interpretation of the old tale, there are also thoseRead MoreWilliam Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet Essay1768 Words   |  8 PagesWilliam Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet Although William Shakespeare wrote the story of ‘Romeo and Juliet’ in the 1500s, the themes depicted in the play had been around for centuries. It was a classic tragic love story. William Shakespeare needed his story to appeal and be accessible to as many people as possible. The main problem was that many people at the time could not read, therefore producing a book was pointless. So he decided to write the story of ‘Romeo and

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Second Foundation 2. Two Men without the Mule Free Essays

string(35) " start from Trantor as zero point\." The ship was in near-readiness. Nothing lacked, but the destination. The Mule had suggested a return to Trantor – the world that was the bulk of an incomparable Galactic metropolis of the hugest Empire mankind had ever known – the dead world that had been capital of all the stars. We will write a custom essay sample on Second Foundation 2. Two Men without the Mule or any similar topic only for you Order Now Pritcher disapproved. It was an old path – sucked dry. He found Bail Channis in the ship’s navigation room. The young man’s curly hair was just sufficiently disheveled to allow a single curl to droop over the forehead – as if it had been carefully placed there – and even teeth showed in a smile that matched it. Vaguely, the stiff officer felt himself harden against the other. Channis’ excitement was evident, â€Å"Pritcher, it’s too far a coincidence.† The general said coldly: â€Å"I’m not aware of the subject of conversation.† â€Å"Oh- Well, then drag up a chair, old man, and let’s get into it. I’ve been going over your notes. I find them excellent.† â€Å"How†¦ pleasant that you do.† â€Å"But I’m wondering if you’ve come to the conclusions I have. Have you ever tried analyzing the problem deductively? I mean, it’s all very well to comb the stars at random, and to have done all you did in five expeditions is quite a bit of star-hopping. That’s obvious. But have you calculated how long it would take to go through every known world at this rate?† â€Å"Yes. Several times,† Pritcher felt no urge to meet the young man halfway, but there was the importance of filching the other’s mind – the other’s uncontrolled, and hence, unpredictable, mind. â€Å"Well, then, suppose we’re analytical about it and try to decide just what we’re looking for?† â€Å"The Second Foundation,† said Pritcher, grimly. â€Å"A Foundation of psychologists,† corrected Channis, â€Å"who are as weak in physical science as the First Foundation was weak in psychology. Well, you’re from the First Foundation, which I’m not. The implications are probably obvious to you. We must find a world which rules by virtue of mental skills, and yet which is very backwards scientifically.† â€Å"Is that necessarily so?† questioned Pritcher, quietly. â€Å"Our own ‘Union of Worlds’ isn’t backwards scientifically, even though our ruler owes his strength to his mental powers.† â€Å"Because he has the skills of the First Foundation to draw upon,† came the slightly impatient answer, â€Å"and that is the only such reservoir of knowledge in the Galaxy. The Second Foundation must live among the dry crumbs of the broken Galactic Empire. There are no pickings there.† â€Å"So then you postulate mental power sufficient to establish their rule over a group of worlds and physical helplessness as well?† â€Å"Comparative physical helplessness. Against the decadent neighboring areas, they are competent to defend themselves. Against the resurgent forces of the Mule, with his background of a mature atomic economy, they cannot stand. Else, why is their location so well-hidden, both at the start by the founder, Hari Seldon, and now by themselves. Your own First Foundation made no secret of its existence and did not have it made for them, when they were an undefended single city on a lonely planet three hundred years ago.† The smooth lines of Pritcher’s dark face twitched sardonically. ‘And now that you’ve finished your deep analysis, would you like a list of all the kingdoms, republics, planet states and dictatorships of one sort or another in that political wilderness out there that correspond to your description and to several factors besides?† â€Å"All this has been considered then?† Channis lost none of his brashness. â€Å"You won’t find it here, naturally, but we have a completely worked out guide to the political units of the Opposing Periphery. Really, did you suppose the Mule would work entirely hit-and-miss?† â€Å"Well, then† and the young man’s voice rose in a burst of energy, â€Å"what of the Oligarchy of Tazenda?† Pritcher touched his ear thoughtfully, â€Å"Tazenda? Oh, I think I know it. They’re not in the Periphery, are they? It seems to me they’re fully a third of the way towards the center of the Galaxy.† â€Å"Yes. What of that?† â€Å"The records we have place the Second Foundation at the other end of the Galaxy. Space knows it’s the only thing we have to go on. Why talk of Tazenda anyway? Its angular deviation from the First Foundation radian is only about one hundred ten to one hundred twenty degrees anyway. Nowhere near one hundred eighty.† â€Å"There’s another point in the records. The Second Foundation was established at ‘Star’s End.'† â€Å"No such region in the Galaxy has ever been located.† â€Å"Because it was a local name, suppressed later for greater secrecy. Or maybe one invented for the purpose by Seldon and his group. Yet there’s some relationship between ‘Star’s End’ and ‘Tazenda,’ don’t you think?† â€Å"A vague similarity in sound? Insufficient.† ‘Have you ever been there?† â€Å"No.† â€Å"Yet it is mentioned in your records.† â€Å"Where? Oh, yes, but that was merely to take on food and water. There was certainly nothing remarkable about the world.† â€Å"Did you land at the ruling planet? The center of government?† â€Å"I couldn’t possibly say.† Channis brooded about it under the other’s cold gaze. Then, â€Å"Would you look at the Lens with me for a moment?† â€Å"Certainly.† The Lens was perhaps the newest feature of the interstellar cruisers of the day. Actually, it was a complicated calculating machine which could throw on a screen a reproduction of the night sky as seen from any given point of the Galaxy. Channis adjusted the co-ordinate points and the wall lights of the pilot room were extinguished. In the dim red light at the control board of the Lens, Channis’ face glowed ruddily. Pritcher sat in the pilot seat, long legs crossed, face lost in the gloom. Slowly, as the induction period passed, the points of light brightened on the screen. And then they were thick and bright with the generously populated star-groupings of the Galaxy’s center. â€Å"This,† explained Channis, â€Å"is the winter night-sky as seen from Trantor. That is the important point that, as far as I know, has been neglected so far in your search. All intelligent orientation must start from Trantor as zero point. You read "Second Foundation 2. Two Men without the Mule" in category "Essay examples" Trantor was the capital of the Galactic Empire. Even more so scientifically and culturally, than politically. And, therefore, the significance of any descriptive name should stem, nine times out of ten, from a Trantorian orientation. You’ll remember in this connection that, although Seldon was from Helicon, towards the Periphery, his group worked on Trantor itself.† â€Å"What is it you’re trying to show me?† Pritcher’s level voice plunged icily into the gathering enthusiasm of the other. â€Å"The map will explain it. Do you see the dark nebula?† The shadow of his arm fell upon the screen, which took on the bespanglement of the Galaxy. The pointing finger ended on a tiny patch of black that seemed a hole in the speckled fabric of light. â€Å"The stellagraphical records call it Pelot’s Nebula. Watch it. I’m going to expand the image.† Pritcher had watched the phenomenon of Lens Image expansion before but he still caught his breath. It was like being at the visiplate of a spaceship storming through a horribly crowded Galaxy without entering hyperspace. The stars diverged towards them from a common center, flared outwards and tumbled off the edge of the screen. Single points became double, then globular. Hazy patches dissolved into myriad points. And always that illusion of motion. Channis spoke through it all, â€Å"You’ll notice that we are moving along the direct line from Trantor to Pelot’s Nebula, so that in effect we are still looking at a stellar orientation equivalent to that of Trantor. There is probably a slight error because of the gravitic deviation of light that I haven’t the math to calculate for, but I’m sure it can’t be significant.† The darkness was spreading over the screen. As the rate of magnification slowed, the stars slipped off the four ends of the screen in a regretful leave-taking. At the rims of the growing nebula, the brilliant universe of stars shone abruptly in token for that light which was merely hidden behind the swirling unradiating atom fragments of sodium and calcium that filled cubic parsecs of space. And Channis pointed again, â€Å"This has been called ‘The Mouth’ by the inhabitants of that region of space. And that is significant because it is only from the Trantorian orientation that it looks like a mouth.† What he indicated was a rift in the body of the Nebula, shaped like a ragged, grinning mouth in profile, outlined by the glazing glory of the starlight with which it was filled. â€Å"Follow ‘The Mouth.’ † said Channis. â€Å"Follow ‘The Mouth’ towards the gullet as it narrows down to a thin, splintering line of light. Again the screen expanded a trifle, until the Nebula stretched away from â€Å"The Mouth† to block off all the screen but that narrow trickle and Channis’ finger silently followed it down, to where it straggled to a halt, and then, as his finger continued moving onward, to a spot where one single star sparked lonesomely; and there his finger halted, for beyond that was blackness, unrelieved. â€Å"‘Star’s End,'† said the young man, simply. â€Å"The fabric of the Nebula is thin there and the light of that one star finds its way through in just that one direction – to shine on Trantor.† â€Å"You’re tying to tell me that-† the voice of the Mule’s general died in suspicion. â€Å"I’m not trying. That is Tazenda – Star’s End.† The lights went on. The Lens flicked off. Pritcher reached Channis in three long strides, â€Å"What made you think of this?† And Channis leaned back in his chair with a queerly puzzled expression on his face. â€Å"It was accidental. I’d like to take intellectual credit for this, but it was only accidental. In any case, however it happens, it fits. According to our references, Tazenda is an oligarchy. It rules twenty-seven inhabited planets. It is not advanced scientifically. And most of all, it is an obscure world that has adhered to a strict neutrality in the local politics of that stellar region, and is not expansionist. I think we ought to see it.† â€Å"Have you informed the Mule of this?† â€Å"No. Nor shall we. We’re in space now, about to make the first hop.† Pritcher, in sudden horror, sprang to the visiplate. Cold space met his eyes when he adjusted it. He gazed fixedly at the view, then turned. Automatically, his hand reached for the hard, comfortable curve of the butt of his blaster. â€Å"By whose order?† â€Å"By my order, general†- it was the first time Channis had ever used the other’s title -â€Å"while I was engaging you here. You probably felt no acceleration, because it came at the moment I was expanding the field of the Lens and you undoubtedly imagined it to be an illusion of the apparent star motion.† â€Å"Why? Just what are you doing? What was the point of your nonsense about Tazenda, then?† â€Å"That was no nonsense. I was completely serious. We’re going there. We left today because we were scheduled to leave three days from now. General, you don’t believe there is a Second Foundation, and I do. You are merely following the Mule’s orders without faith; I recognize a serious danger. The Second Foundation has now had five years to prepare. How they’ve prepared, I don’t know, but what if they have agents on Kalgan. If I carry about in my mind the knowledge of the whereabouts of the Second Foundation, they may discover that. My life might be no longer safe, and I have a great affection for my life. Even on a thin and remote possibility such as that, I would rather play safe. So no one knows of Tazenda but you, and you found out only after we were out in space. And even so, there is the question of the crew.† Channis was smiling again, ironically, in obviously complete control of the situation. Pritcher’s hand fell away from his blaster, and for a moment a vague discomfort pierced him. What kept him from action? What deadened him? There was a time when he was a rebellious and unpromoted captain of the First Foundation’s commercial empire, when it would have been himself rather than Channis who would have taken prompt and daring action such as that. Was the Mule right? Was his controlled mind so concerned with obedience as to lose initiative? He felt a thickening despondency drive him down into a strange lassitude. He said, â€Å"Well done! However, you will consult me in the future before making decisions of this nature.† The flickering signal caught his attention. â€Å"That’s the engine room,† said Channis, casually. â€Å"They warmed up on five minutes’ notice and I asked them to let me know if there was any trouble. Want to hold the fort?† Pritcher nodded mutely, and cogitated in the sudden loneliness on the evils of approaching fifty. The visiplate was sparsely starred. The main body of the Galaxy misted one end. What if he were free of the Mule’s influence- But he recoiled in horror at the thought. *** Chief Engineer Huxlani looked sharply at the young, ununiformed man who carried himself with the assurance of a Fleet officer and seemed to be in a position of authority. Huxlani, as a regular Fleet man from the days his chin had dripped milk, generally confused authority with specific insignia. But the Mule had appointed this man, and the Mule was, of course, the last word. The only word for that matter. Not even subconsciously did he question that. Emotional control went deep. He handed Channis the little oval object without a word. Channis hefted it, and smiled engagingly. â€Å"You’re a Foundation man, aren’t you, chief?† â€Å"Yes, sir. I served in the Foundation Fleet eighteen years before the First Citizen took over.† â€Å"Foundation training in engineering?† â€Å"Qualified Technician, First Class – Central School on Anacreon.† â€Å"Good enough. And you found this on the communication circuit, where I asked you to look?† â€Å"Yes, Sir.† â€Å"Does it belong there?† â€Å"No, Sir.† â€Å"Then what is it?† â€Å"A hypertracer, sir.† â€Å"That’s not enough. I’m not a Foundation man. What is it?† â€Å"It’s a device to allow the ship to be traced through hyperspace.† â€Å"In other words we can be followed anywhere.† â€Å"Yes, Sir.† â€Å"All right. It’s a recent invention, isn’t it? It was developed by one of the Research Institutes set up by the First Citizen, wasn’t it?† â€Å"I believe so, Sir.† â€Å"And its workings are a government secret. Right?† â€Å"I, believe so, Sir.† â€Å"Yet here it is. Intriguing.† Channis tossed the hypertracer methodically from hand to hand for a few seconds. Then, sharply, he held it out, â€Å"Take it, then, and put it back exactly where you found it and exactly how you found it. Understand? And then forget this incident. Entirely!† The chief choked down his near-automatic salute, turned sharply and left. The ship bounded through the Galaxy, its path a wide-spaced dotted line through the stars. The dots, referred to, were the scant stretches of ten to sixty light-seconds spent in normal space and between them stretched the hundred-and-up light-year gaps that represented the â€Å"hops† through hyperspace. Bail Channis sat at the control panel of the Lens and felt again the involuntary surge of near-worship at the contemplation of it. He was not a Foundation man and the interplay of forces at the twist of a knob or the breaking of a contact was not second nature to him. Not that the Lens ought quite to bore even a Foundation man. Within its unbelievably compact body were enough electronic circuits to pin-point accurately a hundred million separate stars in exact relationship to each other. And as if that were not a feat in itself, it was further capable of translating any given portion of the Galactic Field along any of the three spatial axes or to rotate any portion of the Field about a center. It was because of that, that the Lens had performed a near-revolution in interstellar travel. In the younger days of interstellar travel, the calculation of each â€Å"hop† through hyperspace meant any amount of work from a day to a week – and the larger portion of such work was the more or less precise calculation of â€Å"Ship’s Position† on the Galactic scale of reference. Essentially that meant the accurate observation of at least three widely-spaced stars, the position of which, with reference to the arbitrary Galactic triple-zero, were known. And it is the word â€Å"known,† that is the catch. To any who know the star field well from one certain reference point, stars are as individual as people. Jump ten parsecs, however, and not even your own sun is recognizable. It may not even be visible. The answer was, of course, spectroscopic analysis. For centuries, the main object of interstellar engineering was the analysis of the â€Å"light signature† of more and more stars in greater and greater detail. With this, and the growing precision of the â€Å"hop† itself, standard routes of travel through the Galaxy were adopted and interstellar travel became less of an art and more of a science. And yet, even under the Foundation with improved calculating machines and a new method of mechanically scanning the star field for a known â€Å"light signature,† it sometimes took days to locate three stars and then calculate position in regions not previously familiar to the pilot. It was the Lens that changed all that. For one thing it required only a single known star. For another, even a space tyro such as Channis could operate it. The nearest sizable star at the moment was Vincetori, according to â€Å"hop† calculations, and on the visiplate now, a bright star was centered. Channis hoped that it was Vincetori. The field screen of the Lens was thrown directly next that of the visiplate and with careful fingers, Channis punched out the co-ordinates of Vincetori. He closed a relay, and the star field sprang to bright view. In it, too, a bright star was centered, but otherwise there seemed no relationship. He adjusted the Lens along the Z-Axis and expanded the Field to where the photometer showed both centered stars to be of equal brightness. Channis looked for a second star, sizably bright, on the visiplate and found one on the field screen to correspond. Slowly, he rotated the screen to similar angular deflection. He twisted his mouth and rejected the result with a grimace. Again he rotated and another bright star was brought into position, and a third. And then he grinned. That did it. Perhaps a specialist with trained relationship perception might have clicked first try, but he’d settle for three. That was the adjustment. In the final step, the two fields overlapped and merged into a sea of not-quite-rightness. Most of the stars were close doubles. But the fine adjustment did not take long. The double stars melted together, one field remained, and the â€Å"Ship’s Position† could now be read directly off the dials. The entire procedure had taken less than half an hour. Channis found Han Pritcher in his private quarters. The general was quite apparently preparing for bed. He looked up. â€Å"News?† â€Å"Not particularly. We’ll be at Tazenda in another hop.† â€Å"I know.† â€Å"I don’t want to bother you if you’re turning in, but have you looked through the film we picked up in Cil?† Han Pritcher cast a disparaging look at the article in question, where it lay in its black case upon his low bookshelf, â€Å"Yes.† â€Å"And what do you think?† â€Å"I think that if there was ever any science to History, it has been quite lost in this region of the Galaxy.† Channis grinned broadly, â€Å"I know what you mean. Rather barren, isn’t it?† â€Å"Not if you enjoy personal chronicles of rulers. Probably unreachable, I should say, in both directions. Where history concerns mainly personalities, the drawings become either black or white according to the interests of the writer. I find it all remarkably useless.† â€Å"But there is talk about Tazenda. That’s the point I tried to make when I gave you the film. It’s the only one I could find that even mentioned them.† â€Å"All right. They have good rulers and bad. They’ve conquered a few planets, won some battles, lost a few. There is nothing distinctive about them. I don’t think much of your theory, Channis.† â€Å"But you’ve missed a few points. Didn’t you notice that they never formed coalitions? They always remained completely outside the politics of this corner of the star swarm. As you say, they conquered a few planets, but then they stopped – and that without any startling defeat of consequence. It’s just as if they spread out enough to protect themselves, but not enough to attract attention.† â€Å"Very well,† came the unemotional response. â€Å"I have no objection to landing. At the worst – a little lost time.† â€Å"Oh, no. At the worst – complete defeat. If it is the Second Foundation. Remember it would be a world of space-knows-how-many Mules.† â€Å"What do you plan to do?† â€Å"Land on some minor subject planet. Find out as much as we can about Tazenda first, then improvise from that.† â€Å"All right. No objection. If you don’t mind now, I would like the light out.† Channis left with a wave of his hand. And in the darkness of a tiny room in an island of driving metal lost in the vastness of space, General Han Pritcher remained awake, following the thoughts that led him through such fantastic reaches. If everything he had so painfully decided were true – and how all the facts were beginning to fit – then Tazenda was the Second Foundation. There was no way out. But how? How? Could it be Tazenda? An ordinary world? One without distinction? A slum lost amid the wreckage of an Empire? A splinter among the fragments? He remembered, as from a distance, the Mule’s shriveled face and his thin voice as he used to speak of the old Foundation psychologist, Ebling Mis, the one man who had – maybe – learned the secret of the Second Foundation. Pritcher recalled the tension of the Mule’s words: â€Å"It was as if astonishment had overwhelmed Mis. It was as though something about the Second Foundation had surpassed all his expectations, had driven in a direction completely different from what he might have assumed. If I could only have read his thoughts rather than his emotions. Yet the emotions were plain – and above everything else was this vast surprise.† Surprise was the keynote. Something supremely astonishing! And now came this boy, this grinning youngster, glibly joyful about Tazenda and its undistinguished subnormality. And he had to be right. He had to. Otherwise, nothing made sense. Pritcher’s last conscious thought had a touch of grimness. That hypertracer along the Etheric tube was still there. He had checked it one hour back, with Channis well out of the way. Second Interlude It was a casual meeting in the anteroom of the Council Chamber – just a few moments before passing into the Chamber to take up the business of the day – and the few thoughts flashed back and forth quickly. â€Å"So the Mule is on his way.† â€Å"That’s what I hear, too. Risky! Mighty risky!† â€Å"Not if affairs adhere to the functions set up.† â€Å"The Mule is not an ordinary man – and it is difficult to manipulate his chosen instruments without detection by him. The controlled minds are difficult to touch. They say he’s caught on to a few cases.† â€Å"Yes, I don’t see how that can be avoided.† â€Å"Uncontrolled minds are easier. But so few are in positions of authority under him-â€Å" They entered the Chamber. Others of the Second Foundation followed them. How to cite Second Foundation 2. Two Men without the Mule, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

History of animation Essay Example For Students

History of animation Essay Not many Disney shorts have been released recently. I think their entertainment and historical value is to be better appreciated by being released on video and DVD. Here is a list of video/DVD release ideas that I propose:Disneys CARTOON CLASSICS: Platinum EditionThis would be a series of approximately one-hour anthologies of mostly cartoons that have never been released on video. It would be a must for any Disney fan/collector. Children would also love these. Vincent (1982), Oilspot and Lipstick (1987), Winnie the Pooh Discovers The Seasons (1981), Off His Rockers (1992), Runaway Brain (1995, Academy Award nominee), Fun With Mr. Future (1986), Recycle Rex (1992)Redux Riding Hood (1997, Academy Award nominee), The Three Little Pigs (1997, Annie Award nominee), Pedal to the Metal (1992), John Henry (2000, Annie Award nominee), Sport Goofy in Soccermania (1987), Tummy Trouble (1989)Der Fuerers Face (1943, Academy Award winner), Education for Death(1943), All Together (1942), Private Pluto (1943), Reason and Emotion (1943), Victory Vehicles (1943), Out of the Frying Pan and into the Firing Line (1942), The New Spirit (1942), Chicken Little (1943)The Litterbug (1961), Steel and America (1965), Donalds Fire Survival Plan (1965), Donald and the Wheel (1961)Bibliography:n/a

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Benjamin Franklin Keys to Success free essay sample

Benjamin Franklin, formally the namesake of his uncle Benjamin due to the fond relationship of he and his father, grew up in Boston tending grammar school to become a member of clergy. His schooling was short lived for his father did not have much money so he could no longer afford to send him there, and he then began serving as an apprentice of his fathers business. From the time that Benjamin left school he encountered many hardships as well as far many more successes on the road that led him to be the flourishing independent businessman and printer in Philadelphia.Although Benjamin Franklin is known by most for the lucrative and remarkable person that he became, his success growing p to become that Individual was due largely Impart to his father and brother who taught him, through very different ways, the Importance of persistence, which translated to his uncannily eagerness to be the best that he could possibly be. We will write a custom essay sample on Benjamin Franklin: Keys to Success or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Much of the success had by Benjamin Franklin corning from a poor family and turning Into a wealthy individual was due to a few important people in his life. Franklin had about him very desirable qualities, for most people that he had met quickly gained interest in him and were willing to help him, Franklin however, never took any of this for granted. Benjamin Franklin had outstanding core values about him that were installed by a select few people growing up. The person who taught him the most important values in his life was his father, Josiah Franklin. Josiah, as described by Benjamin as ingenious, taught at a very young age the fundamental properties of thinking and the importance of being knowledgeable. Benjamin aspiration for learning stemmed from Josiah.Even at young ages Benjamin highlights the fact that for dinner Josiah would always invite smart Intellectual people over to have Important educational discussions. Benjamin describes the Importance of these talks on page 55 when he states, By this means he turned our Attention to what was good, just, and prudent in the Conduct of life. More specifically then influencing Benjamin to be a generally knowledgeable individual, was Josiah influence to never allow Benjamin to be Just content, instead making him always work harder to gain that much of an edge.This is exemplified In two different situations; when Josiah discouraged Benjamin from becoming a poet even when he had wrote two somewhat successful ballads (page 601 or books of poetry, and when he would continually criticize his rating (page 61). In both cases, even though it seemed rather discouraging at the time, ultimately made Benjamin work that much harder to gain approval from his father. This Is seen In his response to his fathers criticism of his writing on page 61, l saw Justice of his Remarks, and thence grew more attentive to the Manner In Writing, and determined to endeavourer at Improvement.James Franklin, one of Benjamin older brothers, also had a significant impact of Benjamin success as a possible had it not been for his brother. Although he had a very rough relationship, James was the person who taught him the trade of printing, when he began his apprentice with James by signing two indentures at the age of 12. More importantly than Just turning Benjamin into a printer, was James harsh treatment of Benjamin while working for him. James never thought much of Benjamin, and in this, although through different tactics than his father, but with a similar result, made him work that much harder.This harsh treatment of Benjamin proved to be very important in the building of his character as noted on page 69 when Benjamin says, l fancy his [James] harsh and tyrannical Treatment of me. Might be a means of impressing me with that Aversion to arbitrary Power that has stuck to me thro my while life. As seen through different examples, both Benjamin father and brother both proved to be very important people installing Benjamin with the proper values to succeed. Benjamin successes, being shaped through the relationships he had with both his brother and father, was due to his persistence and hard work to better off himself.Through different examples at young ages, Benjamin showed his desire to be both important and successful. While working for his brother as an apprentice, James paid or the boarding of Benjamin at a local families house. Benjamin agreed with his brother, to stop paying the family that boarded him, and instead pay Benjamin half of that to live on his own (page 63). Through both sleeping in the print house, and adopting a vegetarian diet, Benjamin was able to save half of what his brother gave him, which he used on books and other material of intellect.The desire to have more books and to be more knowledgeable far outweighed proper living conditions. It is seen that Benjamin made himself better off, by working harder and living a lifestyle, which would be considered very unpleasant to most. Another example of his persistent desire to be successful occurred nearly one year later when he had a falling out with his brother James (pages James and Benjamin had very strong disagreements, leading to many fights, and it was clear that the coexistence of the two would not be possible.Benjamin then showed his wanting to leave James company at which point James blacklisted him to all other print shop owners in t he area. At that point, Benjamin headed to New York in order to find another opportunity, not knowing what the trip would hold for him. Benjamin described his situation on page 71 when he said, I found my self in New York near 300 miles from home, a Boy of but 17, without the least Recommendation to or Knowledge of any Person in the Place, and with very little Money in my pocket. This really shows that no matter what the conditions held for Benjamin, he was going to do what he wanted to do, and that was to be independent, and more generally, successful. If Benjamin Franklin did not take the chance that he did and struggle the way he did in a new city, poor, not knowing anybody, as described in the previous quote, there would be ere chance that he would have turned out as successful as he did, as the best printer in Philadelphia.In conclusion, the importance of both his father and his brother, proved to determine the success of Benjamin Franklin. What these two key figures in his life did was install the values necessary to be, not only a successful businessman, but also more importantly a respectful gentleman. Benj amin took what these two offered him, which was the knowledge necessary to succeed, and business man that he was at the end of part 1 of his autobiography.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Psychological Profile of Kurtz essays

Psychological Profile of Kurtz essays Pyschological Profile of Kurtz- Heart of Darkness I have counseled Kurtz for several years now and have come to the conclusion that Kurtz is the most unique individual I have ever come across. He is an orator, writer, poet, musician, artist, politician, and chief agent of an ivory company. He is a genius in every profession. But living in this jungle has made Kurtz a lusty, violent devil. Kurtz is as dark as they come. He wins control of men through fear and adoration. He has the power to charm or frighten primitive people into compliance with his slightest wish and to exalt himself to the position of deity among them. He will do anything to obtain his precious ivory, steal, murder, plunder, and even convince the natives he is a god to get it. Kurtz has no shame. He has stakes outside his house with drying black heads on them. Kurtz has vented his hatred of theses natives several times to me. He is convinced they are an inferior race and should all be exterminated. He is a man with no restraint, no faith, and no fear and yet it seems like he is struggling with himself. Kurtz has not always been this ravenous hunter of ivory. Through my many years of counseling Kurtz, I have found that he is a victim as well. The manager of the ivory company left him to die with no supplies for several months. You could tell the managers hatred for Kurtz. He cared more for the ivory than for Kurtzs wellbeing. Kurtz confided in me his fears of dying. He may never have become the ruthless man he is now if he was never cornered and tortured by the manager. He also has a fianc waiting for him back in Europe, although from letters from her that Kurtz has shared with me shows her unconditional affection for him, I am not so sure about his love for her. I am still inconclusive on Kurtzs motives for wanting to marry her. He seems to be a very shallow man when it comes to love. Kurtz is truly one of a kind. He appears to be a...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Find out about Marks ans spencer and its competitors to write a review Essay

Find out about Marks ans spencer and its competitors to write a review of the company's environmental management - Essay Example The region is populated with an estimated 5.3 billion of populace based with 84% of them are located in urban centers (Index Mundi, 2013, p. 1). The presence of these diverse and multicultural consumers and its relative economic affluence compared to other emerging countries, are opportunities for business chain to undertake corporate operation. Mark and Spencer sell clothes, food, home needs, and other products, has it main center based in UK and has varied offshore operations including chains in advanced countries. The company relies on its core corporate values: quality, value, service, innovation and trust (M & S, 2012a, p. 2). Its subsidiary company at UK also contributed to the ? 9.9 bn group revenue in 2012, underlying group operating profit of ? 810.0 m. As a leading retailer, it sourced its products responsibly from 2,000 suppliers globally (M & S, 2012a, p. 2). Central to its business operation since 2007 is the drive to address ecological concerns and social inequities by upholding a healthier and sustainable lifestyle (M & S, 2012b, p. 1). The company prided of integrating sustainability in managing its business by providing such framework of governance that is focused on environmental management systems (M & S, 2012b, p. 1). What is environmental management system? The US Environmental Protection Agency (2013) defined Environmental Management System (EMS) as a quality control mechanism designed to enable an organization to practice set of rules and behaviors that will reduce and mitigate environmental destruction to scale up its operating efficiency (p. 1). Such framework encourages companies to attain environmental objectives by employing environmental plans, goals, and protectionism campaigns as part of its operational mandates in management, for customers, for human resources, including its suppliers (USEPA, 2013, p. 1). This extols the assumption that employing environmental management control will likewise gain social acceptance and hence impr ove the corporate financial sustainability of the organization (USEPA, 2013, p. 1). This is also presumed that the EMS is also aligned and is consistent to company’s goals and business practices (USEPA, 2013, p. 1). Experts likewise posit that this internal and external regulatory approach requires stringent compliance to reduce risks, hazards, and to ensure cost-efficient business operation (USEPA, 2013, p. 1). This is also to address the call of our times amid the devastating impact of climate change and the need to respond for ecological protection (USEPA, 2013, p. 1). It also provided remedies to unregulated issues like problems on energy conservation, quality operational control and the importance of corporate stewardship (USEPA, 2013, p. 1). Thus under this framework, the company develops its own environmental goals based on ecological and legal basis; form its own environmental objectives, increase employees competence. EPA encourages company to have an environmental p olicy as its foundational plan to attain targeted environmental performance and outcomes (USEPA, 2013, p. 1). These blue prints are implemented and became subject of an evaluation at the end of every cycle of to determine it has improve its corporate social relations, it is has positively impacted

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Nursing mental health Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Nursing mental health - Case Study Example I wondered why they wished to meet the physician in this department, as they both "looked" normal to me. I was present in the physician's consulting room when they arrived. He made them comfortable and then slowly ventured to the actual problem. Tim added that Annie was hesitant to go to a physician at first, as she did not think she had any mood swings at all. But Tim persuaded her to just accompany him. The other symptoms were noticed by Tim, and hence he had planned this visit. The physician thought it fit to perform certain medical examinations and selected investigations for Annie, before diagnosing a major depressive disorder. All the above symptoms were the same as that of clinical depression, which Annie might be suffering from, but these tests were necessary to rule out a medical illness. As expected, all the above tests had normal results. So any medical cause was ruled out. All this while, I had been observing Annie. She actually seemed to be just like any other woman you see on the road, but sometimes she suddenly became hyper and had a violent streak in her. I discussed about this with the physician, and I suggested that this case should be referred to a Psychologist. It would be better to handle this case in an interdisciplinary health care team comprising myself, a nurse, a psychologist, an occupational therapist and a social worker, if need be. I checked the schedule of the interdisciplinary team member... I discussed about this with the physician, and I suggested that this case should be referred to a Psychologist. It would be better to handle this case in an interdisciplinary health care team comprising myself, a nurse, a psychologist, an occupational therapist and a social worker, if need be. I checked the schedule of the interdisciplinary team members and requested for a meeting with the psychologist and occupational therapist. I also sent a formal request for a meeting to both the doctors prior to this. I had prepared myself with all the relevant details of Annie's case, and had put down my questions on paper. I carried a file containing the information of the symptoms and physical examination reports of Annie, so that it would be easy for the consultants to decide on the further course of action. (Ackley and Ladwig, 376) The requirement of interdisciplinary medical help was posted to all concerned. All concerned departments were informed officially that there help is needed in dealing with this particular patient. In the meeting, we discussed the possibilities that Annie could be suffering from, in an informal way. At this stage it is important to point out that interdisciplinary care was a must for this patient. As a nurse I had not only to look after the administrative issues but also needed to worry about the patient's health as well as coordinating activities to make sure she got all the right things at right places. (Katz, Carter, Bishop and Krayits, 54) Now we had a resourceful health care team, including the psychologist, occupational therapist and me, a nurse, and all of us were focused on Annie. I handed over the copies of Annie's documents to each one present, so that they could have a reference. The psychologist then

Monday, November 18, 2019

Developmental Biology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Developmental Biology - Essay Example After certain number of divisions the macromeres give rise to a pair of blastomeres termed as teloblasts M, N, Q and O/P. It is from these teloblasts that the segments of the annelid are derived in the adult. To draw our fate map we used alkaline phosphatase to help in tracing out the cell lineage of many of the adult structures. Alkaline phosphatase being naturally present in a cell and was an ideal candidate as a marker to trace out the fate map. The blastomeres were injected with high concentrations of alkaline phosphatase and then allowed to develop into their corresponding adult structures. The annelid was then bathed with a colourless substrate which coloured on reacting with alkaline phosphatase. Using this we were able to show that the blastomere A, B & C most probably develops into the ectoderm. The blastomere D though proved to be the most vital with most of the endoderm and mesoderm structures being derived from it. We also show the individual fates of each of the teloblasts and by alternating the time of injecting alkaline phosphatase we were able to deduce many vital facts about metamerisation. From our study we came to the conclusion that most probably the segments are produced from the posterior to the anterior direction and that segmentation begins at a very early stage of asymmetric cell division of the teloblasts. Introduction: The phylum Annelid consists of many species that range from the humble earthworm all the way to the maligned leech, but one common feature that binds them all is their segmented body. This segmentation is termed as Metamerism and each ring like segment is called a metamere. In fact the word Annelid is derived from the Latin word Annelis meaning rings. The Annelid body can be further bisected into two equal halves implying that the body architecture is bilaterally symmetrical. Annelids are also triplobalstic i.e. the embryo has 3 distinct germ layers namely the mesoderm, endoderm and ectoderm. It is from these 3 distinct germ layers that all the organ systems arise. The ectoderm that forms the outer layer of the embryo produces the epidermis and the nervous system, the endoderm which forms the inner most layer of the embryo gives rise to the digestive system and its related organs and sandwiched in between the two layers is the mesoderm which produces the circulatory system, muscles a nd connective tissue. As the yolk in the Annelid embryo is equally spaced out a Holoblastic cleavage pattern is seen and thus the cleavage furrow extends through the entire egg. The cleavage pattern seen in Annelids is a Spiral Cleavage which is also seen in other organisms such as sea urchins. During the first of cleavage, the embryo is divided into 4 cells each of which is called a blastomere and are labelled as A, B, C and D. All the blastomeres are of equal size except for Blastomere D which is slightly larger than the rest. The second round of cleavage produces an unequal division of 4 large blastomeres called Macromeres and 4 smaller blastomeres called Micromeres. The macromeres are labelled as A1, B1, C1, and D1 and the micromeres are labelled as a, b, c, and d. The macromeres keep on dividing to produce more macromeres and micromeres and eventually the entire organism is formed. Of special note is the D1 blastomere which further divides to

Friday, November 15, 2019

Comparing and Contrast Jean Bartik and Margaret Hamilton

Comparing and Contrast Jean Bartik and Margaret Hamilton Software engineering; hearing this term brings to mind words corresponding to innovating, analyzing complex problems, designing software, and maintenance of programs. People picture a   stubborn nerd who only knows how to communicate with computers. It is a common misconception that in the field of technology, males are dominating all the positions that are available. Despite all that, Jean Bartik, a pioneer software engineer of ENIAC, and Margaret Hamilton, software engineer of the Apollo 11 mission showed history that women are a force to be reckoned with in the field of technology. Jean Bartik and Margaret Hamilton were both born and raised in America and performed spectacularly in their education. Jean Bartik was born as Betty Jean Jennings in Gentry County, Missouri on the 27th of December 1924. Bartik was the sixth of seven children so life hasnt really been easy for her and her siblings. She began her education at a local one-room school and easily gained local attention for her talent in softball. Bartik was at Northwest Missouri Teachers College majoring in mathematics with a minor in English in 1941 when the Pearl Harbor was bombed. Jennings always dreamed of traveling out of the Midwest and having a real adventure in the world. One could say she got her adventure she was looking for when suddenly, the school was emptied of its male students, who either had been drafted for the war or enlisted for the cause. She experienced having sailors that was sent into her school as classmates for officers training. Jennings was the only women and civilian in class. Nevertheless, she didnt let such events distract her from her education. After a few years, she finished her masters degree in English at the University of Pennsylvania in 1967. Margaret Hamilton was born as Margaret Heafield Hamilton in Paoli, Indiana, on the 17th of August 1936. Unlike Bartik, Hamilton was born an only child. She graduated high school from Hancock High School in 1954. She started getting her education in mathematics at the University of Michigan in 1955 and subsequently earned a bachelors degree in mathematics with a minor in philosophy from Earlham College in 1958. She moved to Boston, Massachusetts, with the goal of achieving a graduate study in abstract mathematics at Brandeis University. The career path these exceptional women took was groundbreaking.   Margaret Hamilton, upon graduation taught temporarily high school French and mathematics to help her husband finish his undergraduate study in Harvard University. She was employed at the SAGE Project at Lincoln lab from 1961 to 1963, where she was one of the programmers who coded the software for the pioneer command system computer to search for an enemy aircraft. She also coded software for the Air force Cambridge Research Laboratories. To add to the exciting life of Hamilton, she was assigned as director of the Software Engineering Division of the MIT Instrumentation Laboratory. The MIT Instrumentation Laboratory was given the task for developing the software for the NASA Apollo programs. Hamilton, then in her early 30s, supervised a team of 100 engineers, mathematicians, programmers and technical writers. The team developed the code for the Apollo Guidance Computer. Realizing her expertise in the field of technology, she established the Hamilton Technologies, Inc in Cambridge Massachusetts. The Company provides products and services that modernize systems engineering and software development. At the young age of 20. Jean Bartik pursued to apply for IBM and the University of Pennsylvania. After a few days, she received a rejection notice from IBM by not meeting all of their standards. On the bright side, Jennings received a telegram from the University of Pennsylvania that she was hired.   To her surprise, the University of Pennsylvanias Moore School of Electrical Engineering, where the U.S. Armys Aberdeen Proving Ground had a project, was seeking female math majors. Even though her friends was against with this idea, Bartiks professors in math pushed her to take on this opportunity. Bartik applied and got hired as a so-called human computer, an employee who calculated bullet trajectories through the help of high end mathematical calculators during her time. These two-powerful females made legacy on their respected field and the world made sure to acknowledge their skills.  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚   As a dedication to the history of computing and Bartiks career, Jean Jennings Bartik Computing Museum at Northwest Missouri State University in Maryville, Missouri was named after her to show the appreciation of the museum to her computing of bullet trajectories manually. Content-management framework Drupals default theme, Bartik, was also named in honor of her. In the year of 1997, Bartik was acknowledge in the Inductee, Women in Technology International Hall of Fame. In 2008, she received two awards. One from the fellow, Computer History Museum which honors the exceptional technology pioneers who have changed the world with their achievements. The IEEE Computer Pioneer Award, IEEE Computer Society, for pioneering her work as one of the programmers of ENIAC, and leading the work on BINAC and UNIVAC I. In year 2009, she received the Korenman Award fro m the Multinational Center for Development of Women in Technology. In 1986, Margaret Hamilton received the Augusta Ada Lovelace Award by the Association for Women in Computing. This award is given to individuals who have excelled in either (or both) of two areas: 1. Outstanding scientific and technical achievement and 2. Extraordinary service to the computing community through their accomplishments and contributions on behalf of women in computing. In 2003, she was given the NASA Exceptional Space Act Award for scientific and technical contributions. In 2009, she received the Outstanding Alumni Award by Earlham College. In 2016, she received the Presidential Medal of Freedom from Barack Obama, the highest civilian honor in the United States. Margaret Hamilton became famous as the woman who brought man to the moon. Margaret Hamilton and Jean Bartik proved to the world that women can do outstanding things in technology just as men can. Even though they were born in time where in women was doubted to perform in the field of science and mathematics, they pursued the profession they want with passion, analytical skills and perseverance. References IEEE Computer Society. (n. a.). Betty Jean Jennings Bartik. Retrieved from. MIT News.   (2016, November 17). Apollo code developer Margaret Hamilton receives Presidential Medal of Freedom. Retrieved from. New England Historical Society. (n.  ­a.). Margaret Hamilton, the Woman who put the Man on the Moon. Retrieved from. Smith, Gina. (2007, December 3). Unsung innovators: Jean Bartik, ENIAC programmer Retrieved from.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Essay --

It has been nearly 20 years since the horrible and inhuman atrocities of the 1994 Genocide in Rwanda that engulfed the lives of more than a million in three months. Because of this, Rwanda has embarked on eminent hardships but the only way towards national unity is reconciliation and the processes of forgiveness. This national endeavor that was initially aimed at restoring national unity, strengthening national values and reclaiming Rwandese common identity and dignity, has achieved commendable successes. The reason behind this slow but progressive journey is attributed to mechanisms and social justice approaches that were applied in Rwanda. These mechanisms were meant to redress inherent identity crises’ and conflicts that lived and spread amongst the Rwandan population since the advent of colonial era and well before. The Rwandan population is composed of three ethnic groups: a Hutu majority, a Tutsi minority and a small number of indigenous Twa.. Colonial oral and written history of Rwanda reveal how the Tutsi minority had always been privileged to be Kings. These inequalities and privileges were detrimental to the majority Hutu, especially in regards to future Kingship. This ignited a long harbored resentment until the Hutus began to mobilize and prepare retribution. Amongst the winds of independence of many African countries in 1960s, Rwanda also sought Independence from Belgian auspices. Rwandan independence of 1962 went far beyond freeing themselves from Belgian Masters; it was also a time when the Hutus seized this opportunity to overthrow the monarchy rule that had traditionally belonged to Tutsi ethnic minority. The first elected President Gregory Kayibanda in his victory speech, stated that it was a sweeping victory i... ...t of myths about our origins and differences, we have heard as well many stories of our common spirit and similarities for so long and, in fact the way we grappled with Genocide aftermaths prove how united we are, always have been and how far stronger we can reach. We have so far successfully managed to; restore and set forth national identity as Rwandans, laid down and revived national values and taboos. If this logic of putting behind what is in past in the past and look forward to the future can be embraced by every Rwandan, the idea of understanding that what matters most is not whom I survived but why I survived, then the country would be truly called a Rwanda of Rwandans not Rwanda of Hutus and Tutsis where each will ever desire to be on the top of the other. Essay -- It has been nearly 20 years since the horrible and inhuman atrocities of the 1994 Genocide in Rwanda that engulfed the lives of more than a million in three months. Because of this, Rwanda has embarked on eminent hardships but the only way towards national unity is reconciliation and the processes of forgiveness. This national endeavor that was initially aimed at restoring national unity, strengthening national values and reclaiming Rwandese common identity and dignity, has achieved commendable successes. The reason behind this slow but progressive journey is attributed to mechanisms and social justice approaches that were applied in Rwanda. These mechanisms were meant to redress inherent identity crises’ and conflicts that lived and spread amongst the Rwandan population since the advent of colonial era and well before. The Rwandan population is composed of three ethnic groups: a Hutu majority, a Tutsi minority and a small number of indigenous Twa.. Colonial oral and written history of Rwanda reveal how the Tutsi minority had always been privileged to be Kings. These inequalities and privileges were detrimental to the majority Hutu, especially in regards to future Kingship. This ignited a long harbored resentment until the Hutus began to mobilize and prepare retribution. Amongst the winds of independence of many African countries in 1960s, Rwanda also sought Independence from Belgian auspices. Rwandan independence of 1962 went far beyond freeing themselves from Belgian Masters; it was also a time when the Hutus seized this opportunity to overthrow the monarchy rule that had traditionally belonged to Tutsi ethnic minority. The first elected President Gregory Kayibanda in his victory speech, stated that it was a sweeping victory i... ...t of myths about our origins and differences, we have heard as well many stories of our common spirit and similarities for so long and, in fact the way we grappled with Genocide aftermaths prove how united we are, always have been and how far stronger we can reach. We have so far successfully managed to; restore and set forth national identity as Rwandans, laid down and revived national values and taboos. If this logic of putting behind what is in past in the past and look forward to the future can be embraced by every Rwandan, the idea of understanding that what matters most is not whom I survived but why I survived, then the country would be truly called a Rwanda of Rwandans not Rwanda of Hutus and Tutsis where each will ever desire to be on the top of the other.