Saturday, February 29, 2020

The Conceptual and Theoretical Fundamentals of Management Information Thesis

The Conceptual and Theoretical Fundamentals of Management Information in Public Procurement - Thesis Example Organizational Preparedness 82 6.3. Management Information Cockpit and Its Impact on Public Administration Management 85 6.3. Impact of IM Cockpit to Administrative Performance, Efficiency, Effectiveness and Sustainability 88 6.4. Summary 90 Chapter 7 - Conclusion 91 7.1 Contributions of the Thesis 91 7.2 Implications of the Thesis 92 7.2.1 Implications for Theory 92 7.2.2 Implications for Public Administration Organizations and Information Technology 92 7.2.3 Implications for Future Researches 93 7.3 Limitations of the Thesis 94 7.4 Final Conclusion 94 Bibliography 95 Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Introduction Private and public partnership (PPP) is a recent phenomenon that seeks to breakdown the traditional barriers existing between the private and the public sector.1 PPP is an arrangement wherein â€Å"public sector bodies enter into long-term contractual agreements in which private parties participate in, or provide support for, the provision of infrastructure, and a PPP project re sults in a contract for a private entity to deliver public infrastructure-based services.†2 Several forms of transactions have been established within the parameters set by PPP and some of which are build-own –operate, buy-build-operate and others. Nonetheless, regardless of the structure of the established partnership what is integral is the rationale behind the partnership and that is to provide quality services to the public with decrease costs and minimal risks on the government. In this regard, the public-private partnership is geared towards creating the social dynamics and mechanisms that will enhance the functioning of the civil society, thus, establish a better rendering of the public goods.3 However, the relationship between the public and the private are not... Several forms of transactions have been established within the parameters set by PPP and some of which are build-own –operate, buy-build-operate and others. Nonetheless, regardless of the structure of the established partnership what is integral is the rationale behind the partnership and that is to provide quality services to the public with decrease costs and minimal risks on the government. In this regard, the public-private partnership is geared towards creating the social dynamics and mechanisms that will enhance the functioning of the civil society, thus, establish a better rendering of the public goods. However, the relationship between the public and the private are not just modified by the phenomenon of PPP, it has also been re-shaped by advancements in technology. Advancements in information and computer technology (ICT) have tremendously affected all sectors of society including the in which the government render its services to the citizenry. People now demand quality service from the government, similar to the services given by the private sector. ICT developments have innovated the concept of service by proving the vehicle wherein 24/7 customer service is available to the public. This development is a welcome change as it provides the venue where the government can reach the citizenry and vice-versa anytime, anywhere.

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

American history-us constitution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

American history-us constitution - Essay Example The 19th century saw the birth of a rigid US Constitution with the adoption of the Ordinance of 1787. May 14th saw the Constitutional Convention meeting at Philadelphia and on September 17th, the Constitution was finished and signed by the delegates. The 20th century is the modern period of the US even though seriously marred by the two World Wars (1914 - 1918 and 1939 - 1936 respectively) and the Great Depression of the mid 1930s. The history of the America has been a very dynamic one. It can be divided into a five timelines: timeline of the colonization (1000 - 1764); the timeline of the American Revolution (1765 - 1786); Adoption of the Constitution (-'the biggest experiment in democracy'); the Civil War and Modern Times timeline (1861 - 1904); the World War II timeline (1939 - 1945).1 This dynamism is described by the Professor of History at the Moritz School, Ohio State University, Michael Les Benedict, in more than 40 essays in American History. Perhaps Benedict's works give the most comprehensive analogy of the biggest experiment in the history of democracy; the United States Constitution. The US constitution can be considered as the apex of US history. In an essay entitled Expanding the Scope of American Constitutional History, Benedict asserts that 'in the nineteenth century every history of the United States attended closely to the nation's constitutional development--to the constitutional issues that precipitated the American Revolution, to American History 3 the operation of the Articles of Confederation, the framing and ratification of the Constitution itself, issues of state rights versus nationalism, constitutional aspects of slavery, Civil War, and Reconstruction.' (Benedict) This statement by Michael Les Benedict is a clear indication that US history is mainly inscribed in its Constitution. The United States is a former British colony and at the time of the colonization used mainly Crown laws in its colonies. In effect, the authors of the Constitution of the US attempted to do away with those aspects of British laws that limited democracy and civil liberties in the light of the history of that great nation. That was the reason why the Bill of rights was inserted into the US constitution to protect the rights of the minority and to ensure equality for all in the USA. An analysis of post Constitutional Amendments proves that Benedict's findings on the US constitutional history can still be confirmed today. All constitutional amendments of the US Constitution are indeed geared towards ameliorating the ethical values of a revolutionary people. The Bill of Rights has given the US the name of the most democratic nation of the World and has equally given the US the fame of a land of freedom. From its discovery to the present, the US has always been called the 'land of opportunity' for all. Equally inscribed in this debate are recent measures taken by the US to assert the protection of its constitution and civil liberties of US Citizens in the fight against terrorism. This fight saw the adoption of the US Patriot Act post 9/11. 'No nation is more proud of its system of

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Evaluation of Immigration Customs and Enforcement Budget Essay

Evaluation of Immigration Customs and Enforcement Budget - Essay Example ICE has estimated 15,000 employees of which 400 are in the domestic and 50 are in international offices The budget allocation goes to various departments depending on the activities carried out; homeland security investigations, enforcement and various operations in the office of state. ICE is involved in the local and tribal coordination, principal legal advisory, professional responsibility, immigration and customs enforcement, professional responsibility. ICE is the primary investigative arm of the department of homeland security. ICE is a key component of the DHS layered defense approach to protecting our nation. There are various subcommittees that deal with the jurisdiction over each agency’s money and finance investigations, war and national defense statutes. There are more than 8,500 special Agents, making it the second largest federal law enforcement and criminal investigative agency .The urgency is headed by the office of the chief financial officer, Washington. ICE has the annual budget of more than $5.7 billion, the Management and administration activities for ICE. Executive Office of the President, Office of Management and Budget (2011) states that the Management and administration activities include executive overall leadership direction, strategic and policy development.The budget is authorized by different people that deal with the allocations of the resources. The proposed outlay for the agency include; Science and technology operational research and enhancement program $17.9M, supply chain secure corridors pilot project $9.8 air cargo project $ 16.1M and automated carry-on detection project $ 1.1M. The actual outlay overview involves E-verify and staffing, automatic threat recognition project $6.1m, viable bio particle capture project $2.1M, National Bio and Agro- Defense facility construction $150.0. According to Lake (2010), there are various political influences on the budget allocation in the ICE. Operation community