Sunday, August 23, 2020

Integrated Business Marketing Business Proposal Franchisee

Question: Portray about the Integrated Business Marketing for Business Proposal Franchisee. Answer: Presentation This report attempts to pass on the proposed use of a widely inclusive and indispensable coordinated promoting correspondence (IMC) proposition for the benefit of the dispatch of a most recent diner 'Kilo King' that would be set up as a franchisee of driving Australian gluten-less and regular sustenance item bunch (Orgran 2016). The resulting showcasing proposition for Kilo King looks toward recognizing the essential for perceiving diverse social structures and realizing specific publicizing relations procedures every through it advancement that would engage Kilo King toward moving their planned shoppers from a normal state of care to obtaining their things and at long last designing a long stretch customer relationship with the organization. With a ultimate objective to meet Orgran's legitimate goals in growing by and large incomes, extending our industry share and maintaining our high ground above both present and potential close and abnormal contenders, Kilo King would attempt to give its duty to giving preferable significance over its anticipated buyers by means of its image arranging in an intentionally made and customer inspired IMC plan named, 'Live like a King.' The ensuing IMC course of action would enable Kilo King in impacting a constant high ground over its opponents and over the long haul set up itself as business area head in the Australian Health Food industry by perceiving the quality and estimation of a proceeding with sweeping approach to manage both customer and accomplice commitment and brand affiliation organization all throughout its IMC method (Keller 2016). The Integrated Marketing Communication Plan The blueprint and execution of the IMC strategy must be vital and perceive current publicizing cooperation questions inside the enormous scope condition. These challenges, if neglected, would impact our planned shopper gathering's convincing translating of our proposed activity message and perspective on our image arranging as purchasers are at present assaulted normally by progressively limited time messages and the trial of delivering brand awareness is generous (Wiedmann and Ludewig 2014). Target Consumer Analysis Kilo King would address a wide target showcase tallying the resulting parts: mother time fixed specialists, likewise individuals who are wellness alert, youngsters looking for a pleasant and stand-out devouring foundation people with specific dietary requirements sportspersons moreover; an engaging useful market announced as elitists who are name and name mindful likewise are persistently chasing down the almost completely progressed and smooth things and helps Promoting Communication Objectives Kilo King utilized Hierarchy of Effects Form (Belch et al. 2012) as it epitomizes the customers abstract, passionate and physiological stages through the client buying goals system and is established on notion that a client sidesteps by means of a progression of stages that contain awareness, perception, taste, tendency, confirmation and thus obtainment in advancement (Percy 2014). Figure 1. Chain of command of Effects Model Source: Belch (2012) Brand Awareness Since most by far of the target business is diverse to this franchisee of Orgran, cognizance ought to be significouldtly extended. Standard techniques for advancement would be utilized all through the venture because of their certain and alluring nature (Gausebeck et al. 2014) attempting to manufacture the planned shoppers' phase of brand information on Kilo King, additionally to effectively push Kilo King's undertaking notice to its proposed addressees. Information In the midst of this stage, energy about the Kilo King trademark and what it represents is basic, as it is the fundamental advance for organizing brand significance in the anticipated customer set. This would be cultivated by a decisively performed publicizing methodology that would utilize the purchaser's reasonable system of acknowledgment and assessment by a significant part of the time utilizing clear messages including ordinary affiliations (Leonidou et al. 2013, for instance, the Kilo King insignia and the witticism, Live like a King! Frequent excess of article and the notable Orgran token would be used as these symbolism would be easily assessed in recognition in the anticipated client gathering and current customers (Cui and Zhao 2013). Enjoying Following the exchange name, Kilo King has accomplished an agreeable phase of data and position among its expected gathering, the sentiments of the planned gathering ought to be assessed. This information would be picked up by means of an analysis program involving a resulting regular postal mail sent to customers other than a response instrument and situating of info sheets at tables following the basic trimester of opening, attempting to change any unconstructive feelings purchasers have about the item (Devlin et al. 2015). It is in like manner to set up a customer driven standpoint and duty to giving better customer significance in an undertaking to begin what Kilo King would continue flourishing to achieve in, which would be brand dedication inside its target group gathering. Inclination Kilo King's anticipated intrigue gathering may have inclination for an immediate contender who satisfies their need. Along these lines, with a completion objective to finish their anticipated intrigue gathering's supported picture, Kilo King should place great effort in bestowing the commitment to giving a unique customer eating information and their picture's motivations of differentiations all through the fight message considering their anticipated intrigue gathering's observances, mindsets and trademark tendencies. Standard work of offers progressions would in like manner reasonably bestow a succeeding duty to offering predominant legitimacy in the midst of this point (Buil, De Chernatony and Martnez 2013). The work of internet organizing entryways Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest would in like manner figure tendency in the midst of the anticipated crowd gathering and propose the item to their nearby arrangement of companions where an end chief is oftentimes focused on and functions as a convincing brand negotiator for the affiliation and encourages the items to their darlings (Holt 2016) Conviction To be sure, even past tendency towards Kilo King is cultivated in the midst of the proposed intrigue gathering, the buyer probably won't develop a certainty to get it, thusly, relentless emphasis of the points of interest in securing sustenance at Kilo King ought to be conferred effectively through its picture arranging, considering its planned intrigue gathering's needs and tendencies attempting to fabricate conviction among the expected intrigue gathering. Arrangements progressions would give an inspiration to the planned intrigue gathering to check Kilo King's things in the midst of this stage and addition their principles of assurance and helper them to the obtaining stage. Handouts and advancements on web based systems administration destinations and the association website featuring information on events whereby Kilo King's picture agents would show up would in like manner entice interest and addition conviction (De Mooij 2013). Buy Initiating the conviction stage to purchase stage, customers may hinder the authentic obtaining of Kilo King's things as they endeavor propelled thing information chase and decide to put off the purchases. From an item perspective, as Orgran is starting at now a strong set up brand inside the prosperity conscious purchaser showcase, it would fit strong legitimacy. If the purchaser's past partner with the item has been certain, or gave the producer's and shippers' advancing has created an incredible inclination, the apparent item would be browsed in other obscure brands' (Batra and Keller 2016). Accordingly, Kilo King's things ought to be offered at a beginning minimal effort and arrangements progression ought to be placed assets into essentially. Meanwhile the name power of Orgran must be dependably bestowed by means of use of its notable insignia inside the development motto over most of the correspondence systems to engage controlling brand power (Kahn 2013) for franchisee Kilo Kin g. Inventive methodology Kilo King would execute an all encompassing and effectively structured IMC strategem that uses correspondence systems and with an extreme objective to satisfactorily pass on its image position and activity saying in the anticipated shopper unit with the most redundancy, contact and result (Belch et al. 2012). Advancing your diner isn't equivalent to for whatever other kind of exchange. A customer's smorgasbord experience is built up by the food notwithstanding by the in vogue subject, the foundation and the administration. It could be difficult to advance the mass realities in a business so the viable proprietor should be progressively clever with movement and advancing. Different reasonable yet exceedingly incredible ways relate adequately and get new business (Kotler et al. 2015). Considering the target business assessment, Kilo King will appear to accomplish high on validity, capacity and enthusiasm, normal on intricacy and short on strength. Considering Kilo King's picture personality the going with large names would be picked to show up through all techniques for correspondence. They would all credit dependability to Kilo King's exertion in maneuvering, additionally giving a discretionary relationship to Kilo King's quality recommendation 'Live like a King' and would support our undertakings in achieving eager and delegate resonation inside our planned purchaser gathering. Miranda Kerr Sarah Murdoch Michael Clarke Braith Anasta Zoe Bingley-Pulley Ian Thorpe Media Plan As there is no money related arrangement in promoting, the going with correspondence channels could be utilized to push our development message to our expected shopper bunch with a ultimate objective to grow levels of brand awareness and inclination. Direct Email and Online Media stages T

Friday, August 21, 2020

Understanding why People Carry Guns Along Research Paper

Understanding why People Carry Guns Along - Research Paper Example They denied the idea that firearms are just utilized for terrible purposes and permitted the residents to convey arms alongside them. The change was made with the possibility that permitting individuals have weapons will lead in decline in savagery and wrongdoings. The facts demonstrate that numerous individuals are harmed or executed by tumbling down or suffocating as opposed to by weapons (Croes& Smith, 1997). (second) Protection is most conspicuous purpose behind the utilization of weapon (kleck, 2005).To abstain from being exploited by a wrongdoing people keep firearms with them on the grounds that the police don't have a lot of capacity be everywhere, it is kept by the individuals for the reason for judicious and precautionary measure. Also the sentiment of having a weapon with them will go in like manner like anindividual who has no information how to swim and is very reluctant to do as such, for his security he wears floaters. For an individual who claims the firearm for assurance isn't for use for the most part, however just with the end goal of security. The will have the certainty that if for example something terrible occurs, they will have a weapon to handle with awful individuals, that will bring about their endurance and can go about as a shield. It builds up a feeling that the lawbreakers won’t meddle with an individual having firearm (Shelley and Wright, 1995). Also, i ndividuals as a rule keep weapons because of their intrinsic dread. At the point when they have a dread that they would be slaughtered in the event that they go at places where there is an opportunity, to beat their own dread they will in general convey firearms along. For instance, an individual going in an unusual road or a spot where it is dull, at that point he tends more to convey firearm. Yet, it isn't just that they live in dread so they will in general convey weapons. They convey weapons so as to assume liability for their own security and that of different blameless people. We have seen from history that completely suffering watchfulness can guard us in a perilous world. Clearly we have police for out assurance yet as a rule police don't shield you from wrongdoing, they simply examine the wrongdoing after it occurs and afterward call somebody in to tidy up the chaos. For instance a rancher living far away from the city keeps weapon with him, to safe himself if any burglar c omes at his home to take his harvests, a police can't be there 24 hours investigating the ranchers house. To convey a weapon for the explanation of security makes the individual more grounded and unrivaled, he feels no dread since he has a hardware to go about as his shield. In the United States, there was a surveying done and it came about that out of 45% who possessed firearm, 16% individuals own weapon to ensure themselves (Baumeister and Bushman, 2012). (4th)The explanation behind possessing a weapon might be essentially in light of the fact that when they own a firearm they are probably going to take part in exercises like donning muds, cattle rustler activity shooting and so on. The tendency towards conveying a firearm can be driven by the inclination to get include in a type of social action or a leisure activity accomplished for entertainment only. Aside from this weapons are controlled by individuals for sport shooting implies, for accomplishing the feeling of accomplishmen t, by firing in specific targets and firearms can likewise be saved for chasing creatures. It is supposed to be a defended reason and possessing weapons for the explanation of chasing is currently not so much basic in United States of America in light of the fact that there are numerous different types of sports for relaxation time (Carter Ph.D., 2012). (5th)Many individuals convey firearms since it is in their family inheritance

Monday, July 6, 2020

Agreed Ways of Working in Relation to Healthcare Tasks - Free Essay Example

NURSING Legislation and laws are made to ensure that everyone is comfortable in the society and that they know the behaviors that are acceptable and those that are not. Laws are there to cover all aspects of our lives whereby they ensure that there is the protection of the health and the safety of all people at work and those that have been previously affected by work activities. The manager will ensure that the employee is working within the law and providing care and support that will help in meeting the needs of all people or individuals. For those that have the responsibilities to provide attention and support, they must ensure that their safety and welfare is protected. They can do all this by making sure that their care plan is strictly followed and it has been carried out in the agreed and the safe ways. Again, they should ensure that the care that they receive meets all their needs by involving them and their carer or support network in their planning, review, and delivery of their care. As one of those that will care for the people that have the eyesight problem, I should ensure that people are treated fairly, and the rights that each person has is upheld whereby people will be working in ways that promote equality and diversity and uphold the dignity and all human rights. For working relationships in health and social care, there will be the individuals and their friend and families. It also can be the contact with colleagues and managers; also, it can be with people at the workplaces which include the advocate and any other person. Taking care of these people can be effective if people or the carer provide support by visiting and providing food for the victims.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Causes and Consequences of World War II - 777 Words

World War II: Causes and Consequences On September 1, 1939 World War II started after Adolf Hitler signs the Treaty of Versailles. Hitler shortly attacks Poland, not keeping his promise. Shortly after the attack France and Britain declare war on Germany. Hitler was the cause of World War II since he broke the treaty causing other countries like Britain and France to declare war. Hitler kept all the Jews in concentration camps because he thought they were not humans but animals. Hitler was labeled as a supremacist to all other races. He was seeing Jews as the fault that Germany was falling. He felt that if all Jews were eliminated the Germans would have been one of the most powerful countries. The war lasted from 1939 to 1945. The dates were different for different countries. The War began on September 1, 1939 and the war ended on 1945. The final surrender of Germany was on May 8 , 1945 right about a week after Hitler had committed suicide, and the surrender of Japan was on August 14, 1945. The conclusion of World War II brought to a conclusion a distinct period of global conflict that had begun the dawn of the Imperialist epoch in the late 1890s. (North David). World War II was a war that was basically was also caused by Imperialism. Mostly Hitler was the cause of World War II since he was not a man of his words. Germany and Austria-Hungary were responsible of World War II. The governments exploited theShow MoreRelatedCauses And Consequences Of World War II908 Words   |  4 PagesOf all the wars that the world has seen happen, none have been more catastrophic than the terrible world war II. But what were the causes of this war? There were many causes to World War II, although there were four true causes: anger over the Versailles Treaty, F ascism and its increase in the European countries, and the nitrous goals of Adolf Hitler combined with the isolationism of America and Britain from war. With all of these main causes combined together, the will create the most devastatingRead MoreEssay on Consequences of the World War II1306 Words   |  6 PagesIn the World War I individual rights and civil liberty have died. The wartime controls had replaced the free enterprise, exchange controls and import-export regulations had replaced the free trade. The inflation had undermined the sanctity of property. The war had shrunk the rights of individuals and enhanced the power of the State. The politicizing of economic and social life means that every dispute and every disagreement were now become the matter of national interest. This rivalry had startedRead MoreWorld War I And The Great War791 Words   |  4 PagesThe Great War, also called World War I, was in 1914-1918. Proceeding the war, conditions and angst between European countries and their allies lead to causes of the Second World War. In the 20th century, there was political tension between European countries; colonialism and Imperialism was on almost every government’s agenda. Once â€Å"a Serbian nationalist assassinated†¦Archduke Franz Ferdinand,† European countries spiraled into war (Strayer 983). Each side drew support from different countries likeRead MoreWorld War I And The Great War1472 Words   |  6 PagesWorld War I was usually suggested to as The Great War. The war began sometime in 1914 and lasted four years, ending in 1918. America endorsed, in this era, a great amount of devastation. Throughout those four years alone approximately nine million casualties occurred and in addition millions more were mutilated, grief-stricken, handicapped, or traumatized. World War I is referred to by some, the first catastrophe, man-made, of the twentieth century. Many historians continue to contemplate the essentialRead MoreIn The Modern Era, Technology Has Become The Driving Force1699 Words   |   7 Pagesthe world and has led to many positive advancements, however when incorporating technological advancements into war, it can be said that technology has had more negative effects rather than positive ones. Technological advancements have had a negative effect on wars because the number of casualties increases, civilians are more susceptible to getting accidentally killed, and arms of mass destruction can easily fall into the wrong hands. It is only when looking at World War I and World War II thatRead MoreInflation Can Be Measured By Consumer Price Index Or Cpi?1726 Words   |  7 Pagesof inflation before, during, and post-World War II. Our case study is titled The American Economy During The 1940’s. Our case study focuses on wage and price controls, rationing, WWII recovery, industrial production, household income, consumer costs, and monetary policy. The purpose of this case study is to take what we have learned in class and apply it to the United States econom y during the 1940’s. By doing so, it will help us better understand the causes of inflation during this decade and findRead MoreTreaty of Versailles-Cause of World War Two969 Words   |  4 PagesWorld War one was brought to its official end with the signing of the Treaty of Versailles in 1919. It was drawn up by the victors of the war, which included Great Britain, the United States, Italy, and France. The Big Four met in Versailles to compose a treaty that would hopefully bring about a peaceful end to the First World War- the first war of its kind. Germany, the main foe against the Allied Powers, and the loser of World War I, was not allowed to partake in the creation of the treaty. EvenRead MoreWas the Treaty of Versailles the Major Cause of World War Two? 1148 Words   |  5 PagesWorld War Two was the most devastating conflict in the history of humanity. It crippled many nations and caused millions of people to die. One of the major causes of this disastrous war was th e Treaty of Versailles which ended the First World War. This treaty was destructive towards the Germans. Germany had to pay large amounts of reparations to the Allied nations at the end of World War One resulting in a Great Depression in Germany. Additionally, the Treaty of Versailles’ war guilt clause forcedRead MoreThe Causes Of The First World War1395 Words   |  6 PagesThe causes of the First World War were similar and differed from the causes of the Second World War politically, economically, and socially. Both of these significant, historical events were substantially affected by the interaction of dominating societies during this time period. During the First World War, these leading societies were the European authorities of Britain, Germany, and Austria, with slight assistance from the U.S. However, the United States allocated their full engagement duringRead More Causes Of The Cold War Essay608 Words   |  3 Pages Causes of the Cold War nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; The Cold War occurred during a time of rebuilding for Europe. It characterized international relations and dominated the foreign policies of Europe. It affected all of Europe and determined lasting alliances. The Cold War was caused by the social climate and tension in Europe at the end of World War II and by the increasing power struggles between the Soviet Union. Economic separation between the Soviets and the west also heightened tensions

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

As Senator Arthur Vandenberg Famously Stated In 1947, “We

As Senator Arthur Vandenberg famously stated in 1947, â€Å"we must stop partisan politics at the water’s edge.† Vandenberg’s declaration suggests that domestic policy differences should not affect how the United States conducts itself abroad. This notion is especially relevant in understanding the discrepancies – or lack thereof – between foreign and domestic policy in the modern United States. Since its founding, the United States has prided itself on its exceptionalism, with many of its leaders endorsing a â€Å"foreign policy driven more by domestic values than by the vagaries of international politics.† In recent decades, however, this principle has been tested. Since the end of World War II, the United States has emerged as an international†¦show more content†¦Amid World War I, the United States began to develop into a global power, but retreated into isolationism once the war ended. The United States’ international pre sence truly began to take shape after World War II. Although â€Å"there was a rapid demobilization [and] another yearning to ‘bring the boys home,’† the United States would never follow an isolationist foreign policy again. Throughout the twentieth century, the United States developed an increasingly extensive foreign policy, but it was not until the 1990s that humanitarian efforts began. These endeavors advanced the United States’ international presence – blurring the line between foreign and domestic policy. Following the conclusion of the Cold War in 1991, the United States shifted its focus to developing nations in Africa and the Middle East. Combating communism and the Soviet Union had been the United States’ utmost concern for decades, and the latter’s collapse left American foreign policy in an uncertain state. In 1992, President George H.W. Bush launched a humanitarian mission in Somalia that sought to help â€Å"restore orde r and get food to the Somali people.† This undertaking, which continued with President Bill Clinton, failed, with the United States’ exiting less than a year later following the deaths of eighteen American soldiers. Although this mission was unsuccessful, it marked a shift in

The Apple Fruit Essay Sample free essay sample

The apple is the sort of fruit that people around the universe like to eat. It has many advantages for your wellness. When you have it in your manus. you’ll know that there are three difference chief points in apple. such as good gustatory sensation. difference colour and healthy fruit. The first point is it has good gustatory sensation. If you frees it in the electric refrigerator for long clip. its gustatory sensation will be better than earlier. After you take it from the electric refrigerator. you should cut it into four parts. Then you take a piece among of 4s into your oral cavity. shortly. Because the pieces of apple are cold. you’ll bask it every bit good. So you’ll think it is tasty. Second point is the apple came into difference colour. Such as ruddy. xanthous and light bluish etc. Somehow. people like it due to its colour excessively. We will write a custom essay sample on The Apple Fruit Essay Sample or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Some people like ruddy apple. but some like other light blue. For my thought. the colourss of apple are good. and it looks tasty. The favourite of apple of people is up to its colour. The last point is it is healthy fruit. It contains to many advantages of vitamins. For case. vitamin C which can be good for your eyes. Vitamin B can do your tegument become lightly and swimmingly. Sometime. when you go to the infirmary. you’ll hear the physician says † If you eat an apple for a twenty-four hours. you won’t be ill. â€Å" All in all. the apple is the most popular fruit which is eaten by people all over the universe. It’s good gustatory sensation. difference colour and healthy fruit. It hasn’t merely above three points. but it has besides many other advantages for your wellness. One other thing is you won’t be ill if you eat one apple for a twenty-four hours.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Sample Case Conceptualization free essay sample

Client was a 27 y/o single, white, male who was a U. S. Army veteran. He currently resides in a residential rehabilitation program and was referred for services by his mother in order to address his alcohol addiction.He presented with problems which included: trouble falling asleep and waking up with reoccurring nightmares; feelings of anxiety and arousal when hearing loud noise, especially the sound of airplanes passing by; feeling agitated and irritable; having random outbursts of anger; being socially withdrawn, detached and isolated; avoidance of hospitals or other situations that reminded him of the war; avoidance of social gatherings because of loud noise; and avoidance of talking about the time he spent in Afghanistan.Client considered himself to be a functional alcoholic for the last few years. He started drinking about 5 years ago after coming back from the Afghanistan where he saw so much death around him. At first he used to drink 3 to 5 beers (12 ounce cans), roughly 5 times a week. We will write a custom essay sample on Sample Case Conceptualization or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page However, about 3 months ago he switched to drinking hard liquor (mainly whiskey). He started drinking more and more and was unable to stop (about 1 liter a day, every day for the past 2 months). He tried to cut down but started getting withdrawal symptoms like trouble falling asleep, anxiety and hand tremors.This resulted in the client being fired from his job and having to move back in with his mother since he was unable to pay rent. Clients childhood history was unremarkable. He was born, raised, and lived in Miami his entire life apart from the time he served in Afghanistan. He denied any medical history. He reported no history of head injuries, loss of consciousness, seizures, strokes, or delirium tremors. He also denied any personal or family history of psychiatric complications. Client was recently prescribed Ambien for sleep and Zoloft for his anxiety by a psychiatrist.He completed high school and had no history of academic problems. He worked as a data entry clerk since he came back from the war. He denied any past legal history. He also denied the use of any substance other than alcohol. Clients mental status was unremarkable apart from his anxious mood in some of the sessions. He denied any history of suicidal or homicidal ideation, intent or plan. He was diagnosed with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Chronic and Alcohol Dependence W/ Physiological Dependence . I conceptualized this case through Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy (REBT) by Albert Ellis.REBT is an action oriented psychotherapy that teaches individuals to identify, challenge, and replace their self-defeating thoughts and beliefs with healthier thoughts that promote well being and goal achievement. In my clients case his activating event was the time he spent in Afghanistan where he saw many people die around him. When he came back to Miami from the war he felt irritable, detached, anxious and aroused of certain stimuli. He also had trouble falling asleep and woke up from re-occurring nightmares.These things led to some of his maladaptive beliefs which include: his association of loud noise or the sound of airplanes passing by to bad things happening to him or others; he also believed that drinking would help him relax and fall asleep. He believed that he MUST drink in order to make his problems go away and numb his pain. These maladaptive beliefs led to the consequences of my client drinking more and becoming further isolated. It also led to him getting fired from his job and having to move back in with his mother.In treatment with my client, I first worked on building rapport and therapeutic alliance by keeping eye contact, providing him with a nonjudgmental environment, showing empathy, being genuine, asking open ended questions and reflective listening. Our first goal was to reduce his symptoms of arousal, anxiety and avoidance by first teaching him some progressive muscle relaxation and breathi ng techniques. I then worked with him using systematic desensitization and lastly doing in-vivo exposure using audio tapes.Our second goal was to help him identify and gradually dispute any maladaptive beliefs and behaviors that he has by using cognitive restructuring, specifically though the use thought logs as well as effective philosophy to track and reduce his cognitive errors. Our third goal was to help him prevent relapse and increase social support by using psycho-education, social skills training and getting him to attends Alcohol Anonymous meetings on a weekly basis. This case was a success based on several factors. I was able to build a strong rapport and a therapeutic alliance with him early on. Having thatnon-judgmental environment enabled him to speak and share more freely. He gained insight to his alcohol use as well as his PTSD symptoms. He was also able to identify some of his irrational beliefs. His PTSD symptoms were reduced by roughly 70%. He was also in early full remission from his alcohol dependency. By the end of the 12 sessions, he met most of his goals. Towards the end of his residential program he enrolled at a two year college with the interest of acquiring a degree in electrical engineering. He also continues to go to the VA as an outpatient on a weekly basis for continued treatment in relation to his PTSD symptoms.