Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Causes and Consequences of World War II - 777 Words

World War II: Causes and Consequences On September 1, 1939 World War II started after Adolf Hitler signs the Treaty of Versailles. Hitler shortly attacks Poland, not keeping his promise. Shortly after the attack France and Britain declare war on Germany. Hitler was the cause of World War II since he broke the treaty causing other countries like Britain and France to declare war. Hitler kept all the Jews in concentration camps because he thought they were not humans but animals. Hitler was labeled as a supremacist to all other races. He was seeing Jews as the fault that Germany was falling. He felt that if all Jews were eliminated the Germans would have been one of the most powerful countries. The war lasted from 1939 to 1945. The dates were different for different countries. The War began on September 1, 1939 and the war ended on 1945. The final surrender of Germany was on May 8 , 1945 right about a week after Hitler had committed suicide, and the surrender of Japan was on August 14, 1945. The conclusion of World War II brought to a conclusion a distinct period of global conflict that had begun the dawn of the Imperialist epoch in the late 1890s. (North David). World War II was a war that was basically was also caused by Imperialism. Mostly Hitler was the cause of World War II since he was not a man of his words. Germany and Austria-Hungary were responsible of World War II. The governments exploited theShow MoreRelatedCauses And Consequences Of World War II908 Words   |  4 PagesOf all the wars that the world has seen happen, none have been more catastrophic than the terrible world war II. But what were the causes of this war? There were many causes to World War II, although there were four true causes: anger over the Versailles Treaty, F ascism and its increase in the European countries, and the nitrous goals of Adolf Hitler combined with the isolationism of America and Britain from war. With all of these main causes combined together, the will create the most devastatingRead MoreEssay on Consequences of the World War II1306 Words   |  6 PagesIn the World War I individual rights and civil liberty have died. The wartime controls had replaced the free enterprise, exchange controls and import-export regulations had replaced the free trade. The inflation had undermined the sanctity of property. The war had shrunk the rights of individuals and enhanced the power of the State. The politicizing of economic and social life means that every dispute and every disagreement were now become the matter of national interest. 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